Security Testing

Your application information security is a top priority for us. At KIO IT SOLUTIONS our Security audit is a methodical and measurable information security assessment of your application. By performing vulnerability scans, examining system configuration and settings, and analyzing the network and communication, we account for your application’s complete IT environment when we do an information security audit.

Our aim is to understand your application’s information system weaknesses. First we verify the security level of your Servers, Operating System & Databases, Business Applications, Software and Network & Communications. We document the weaknesses if found. Then we provide recommendations to improve weaknesses.

Using our security testing services, you can move forward confidently knowing that:

  • Your applications are protected against vulnerabilities, known and unknown.
  • Your application data is safe and unable to be hacked.
  • Your applications are in compliance with security regulations

Testing Process

At KIO IT SOLUTIONS, our professional Web Application Security Testing service is used to recognize your application vulnerabilities. This application testing is done offsite for web applications that are external facing. We apply the same security principles for all applications that we develop.

Our security testing methodology is founded on the well-known Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) testing methodologies and involves the following processes:

  • Information Gathering.
  • Configuration Management Testing.
  • Business Logic Testing.
  • Authentication Testing.
  • Authorization testing.
  • Session Management Testing.
  • Data Validation Testing.
  • Denial of Service Testing.
  • Web Services Testing.
  • Ajax Testing.

We find new threats and attack vectors that are always changing and evolving, but at KIO IT SOLUTIONS we put great energy and resources into gathering the most current knowledge and designing effective methods to optimize our security testing services. Below are a few of the things we test for:

  • Injection.
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS).
  • Broken Authentication and Session Management.
  • Insecure Direct Object References.
  • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF).
  • Security Misconfiguration.
  • Insecure Cryptographic Storage.
  • Failure to Restrict URL Access.
  • Insufficient Transport Layer Protection.
  • Invalidated Redirects and Forwards

Vulnerability Assessments

At KIO IT SOLUTIONS, we provide comprehensive vulnerability assessments that thoroughly examine all open ports, hosts and services accessible to the Web, map the network architecture and check to ensure these network devices are protected from hacker attacks. Depending on the vulnerabilities discovered in the process, we determine and report your network’s security posture.

Penetration Testing

With the omnipresent fear of privacy violation, data pilferage and repute loss, the necessity for reliable and secure service delivery is greater than ever. More and more businesses are now choosing to partner with a secure and reliable service to maintain the best business advantages, brand stability and customer loyalty.

Our disciplined research and assessment team at KIO IT SOLUTIONS always tries to validate the security of your websites in advance of potential issues. We aim to be your trusted partner for all of your web application testing and assessment needs.